About Me

I grew up in Colorado as the second of five brothers (six if you include the dog), where early on I acquired a taste for adventure. I graduated from Brigham Young University last year with a B.A. in International Relations, and shortly after graduation decided to move to the DC area. I currently live in Arlington, Virginia, where I work in the non-profit sector. I've developed a passion for social entrepreneurship -- the practice of applying innovative, systems-changing solutions to difficult social problems -- which is what attracted me to Sustain Haiti in the first place.   

Some (perhaps less-than-) useful information about me:
Name: Eric Meldrum
Age: 25
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs (probably less, since I've been biking a lot)
Chemical composition: About 65% water (H2O), 15% sugar and 20% love. 
Favorite kind of pie: Peach
Favorite kind of pie chart: Ones that roughly look like peace signs. Or peaches. 
Favorite kind of pi: π
Talents: Singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" in a round by myself;  reptile and other impersonations
Interests: Cycling, traveling, books, board games, theater, pretending I can dance (salsa, swing, caeli)
Skills I want to learn: Sailing, tap dancing
Favorite yoga pose: Warrior 2
Countries I've lived in: USA, Canada, Peru
Countries I've visited: Mexico, Spain, Italy
Longer arm: Right
Broken bones: 4th grade. Right forearm. Caused by wrestling with brothers.
Ambidextrous: ish - had to learn to write lefty in 4th grade (see above). 
Ambiguous: I don't know. 
Amphibious: Definitely not.